Please carefully read these Terms of Use, as they govern your access to and use of this website. By using our website, you are agreeing to our terms of service. If you do not agree to our terms of service for any reason, please stop using the website.

“We”, “us” and “our” mean DPL Global Private Limited. We may refer to you or any person that uses our website as “you” or “your” or a “user.” When we use the term “website” we mean all the individual URL(s) or Internet address locations, sites and pages within our domain and materials provided with our websites, including without limitation, our applications, content, information, graphics, multimedia materials, code, logos, service and trademarks, designs, all copyrightable or otherwise legally protectable items and elements and all of the various features, functions, tools and services in, on or associated with our website.

These Terms of Use incorporate by reference and form a part of our Terms of Use for all purposes our Privacy Policy and any other terms we disclose or alert you of when you use or attempt to use our website.


Except as otherwise specifically permitted, under no circumstances may you use the website in a manner that exceeds the rights granted for your use. You may not use any data mining, robots, or similar data gathering and extraction tools on the website. You are not authorized to duplicate this website or any page or databases. Reproducing any content herein is not permitted by way of reprinting, redistributing, storing, publicly displaying, transmitting in any manner.


You acknowledge and agree that the website is and shall remain the exclusive property of DPL Global Private Limited. All rights are reserved. DPL Global Private Limited owns the copyright in the contents of the website as its work. DPL Global Private Limited and all its names, taglines, slogans, logos, and icons identifying DPL Global Private Limited and its services are proprietary trademarks of DPL Global Private Limited, and you are prohibited to use such marks without the express written permission of DPL Global Private Limited.


Certain areas of this site may feature or include content by third parties or links to third parties (including through embedded plug-ins, apps, social media sites). DPL Global Private Limited is not responsible for such content which may be guided by privacy policies of such parties.


The information, services, products, software, and materials available on this site are provided without any warranty. We exclude any express or implied warranties, including that the site or any content is free of defects, virus free, able to operate on an uninterrupted basis, or will be corrected. DPL Global Private Limited does not warrant or make any representations that this site will be error-free or uninterrupted, or that any defects will be corrected. nothing in this agreement is intended to affect any applicable rights you may have under local law.


This website site may include errors, omissions, or other inaccuracies, and you assume the sole risk of making use of the website.

DPL Global Private Limited may modify all or any part of this website at any time and for any reason. The changes are effective after we post the changes or notify you. If you use our website, it means you are agreeing to be bound by the Terms of Use with all the changes we posted. You are encouraged to check back here frequently for any such change.

DPL Global Private Limited has the right to discontinue, suspend or terminate this website or your use of this website at any time if it is determined that your use of the website may violate Terms of Use.


Our Terms of Use and your use of our website shall be construed, governed by and enforced under the substantive laws of India, without regard to its conflict of law provisions. You agree to submit to the exclusive personal jurisdiction of Delhi (India), for the purpose of litigating any and all disputes arising out of these Terms of Use or your use of the website.


We will not be liable to you for any lost profits, lost data or other consequential, special, indirect or incidental damages arising out your use of this website or in connection with these Terms of Use.